Tackling Technology’s Main Challenges: Cost, Sustainability and Security | Dell (2024)

Technology is the bedrock of successful organizations. However, many organizations are often challenged to modernize and advance technology—securely, sustainably and within budgetary constraints. Fresno County, California, grappled with these issues when it needed to refresh its technology on a limited budget. Finding the right technology solution was vital to ensure the county was equipped to provide quality, responsive service to various community needs. Dell Technology Rotation provided the answer.

As part of the Dell Payment Solution portfolio, Dell Technology Rotation allows organizations to implement regular IT refresh cycles—sustainably and securely—while saving costs. Dell Technology Rotation helps organizations in three primary ways:

    1. Improve the management of cash on hand with flexible payment options.
    2. Keep technology up to date with the latest security features and fewer maintenance risks.
    3. Support sustainable and responsible business practices via efficient, compliant asset disposal processes.

Savings and Flexibility via an OpEx Model

Dell Technology Rotation offers financial flexibility to organizations. It moves them from a capital expense (CapEx) model to an operating expense (OpEx) model to help fund technology refreshes with cash flow savings.

For Fresno County, the internal services department manages IT and supports 20 other departments with varying levels of IT requirements. Faced with a limited budget, the county’s internal services team needed a creative IT solution. They required modern technology to properly handle IT emergencies and ensure the safety and security of the staff and community.

Dell Technology Rotation helped the county navigate budget constraints by pivoting from a large upfront CapEx investment to an OpEx strategy, helping Fresno County overcome its financial limitations and update technology with a predictable expense plan. “Knowing what our expenses will be helps us to budget more effectively,” says Robert Bash, director of internal services and CIO of Fresno County.

With Dell Technology Rotation, the OpEx strategy jumpstarts cash and cash flow savings right away and continues doing so throughout the life of the agreement. Additional savings are gained via reduced maintenance and support from shorter technology refresh cycles and lower disposal costs.

Refreshing Sustainably with 95% Reuse

Dell Technology Rotation helps organizations advance technology faster using a predictable, consistent refresh schedule, keeping technology up to date. Across Fresno County’s 20 departments, Dell Technologies tailored the refresh schedules by technology type to meet the county’s varying needs. “Through the use of modern and regularly updated technology, we can better serve our community,” shares Sheri Walden, assistant director of internal services at Fresno County.

At the end-of-term rotation, Dell Technology Rotation handles the assets via a robust process, removing the burden and complexity of aging assets from customers. Specifically, Dell Technologies manages the regulatory landscape, works with certified electronic disposition partners worldwide and handles transportation. This helps organizations progress their sustainability goals.

Like Fresno County, Dell Technology Rotation customers can simply return assets to Dell Technologies, where 95% are refurbished, gaining a second life by being resold and the remaining being recycled.** Learn more in this video.

Securing IT and Data

Every organization faces security vulnerabilities. But those with outdated technology face heightened security risk. That’s because older technology can introduce vulnerabilities stemming from inefficient IT operations, increasing the risks of downtime and the loss of critical data.

Fresno County took these vulnerabilities seriously. It recognized the importance of community safety, security and trust and worked to rapidly modernize technology—despite organizational and budgetary constraints. Leveraging Dell Technology Rotationallowed the county to advance and better secure its technology and, as a result, improve its service to the community. Walden observes, “What does it mean for the county to effectively serve the community? They must trust us.” Dell Technology Rotation provides the necessary security to bolster that community trust.

Partnering for the Community

Fresno County collaborated with Dell Technologies, creating a purpose-built technology strategy to help the Fresno community. “Our job is to empower Fresno County employees with the technology and support they need to do their jobs,” shares Robert Bash, director of internal services and CIO of Fresno County. “One thing I really appreciate about the Dell Technologies team is their willingness to work together as part of our project management team. Together, the teams optimized and tailored the Technology Rotation schedules, process and terms, ensuring the proper approach and strategy.”

“Dell Technology Rotation has been a game-changer. Throughout our 10-year relationship with Dell Technologies, we’ve seen that the sky’s the limit,” says Walden.

Fresno County’s deployment of Dell Technology Rotation is just one example of what technology can do within the challenges of cost, sustainability and security. See how organizations around the world and across industries and sizes are reaping the benefits of Dell Payment Solutions to improve outcomes for their stakeholders. Contact the Dell Technologies team to learn more.

Read the Fresno County case study.

Learn more about the full portfolio of Dell Payment Solutions.

See a two-minute video on Dell Technology Rotation.

**Source: Dell Financial Services Global Data, April 2022

Tackling Technology’s Main Challenges: Cost, Sustainability and Security | Dell (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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